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Welcome, every part of you

Together we'll realign you with your 

Whole Exquisite Self 

Combining modalities of ephemeral creative life force energy with psychology of love. Weaving holistic psychosynthesis coaching, yoga nidra & integration education.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not so much in seeking new territory, but possibly in having new sets of eyes.”

~ Marcel Proust

clients shared...

"I am extremely grateful for Basia's coaching. She understood my emotional and spiritual needs and guided me with love and support through life's challenges. Her compassionate approach helped me develop self-compassion. Basia's coaching was both practical and transpersonal, and her tailored meditations and exercises taught me to be grounded yet connected to my spirit. Through recent difficult plant medicine journeys, I found a space of inner strength and resilience, which I credit to Basia's sessions. I can now access this self-regulated space in everyday life."

Leah. Art & Psychedelic Therapist Trainee

"My work with Basia began when she led a women’s retreat which would prove to be a turning point in my life. Continuing our sessions over the last few months has been a genuinely transformative experience for me. Through her coaching and the tools she helped me to access and draw strength from, I have begun to reconnect with hidden parts of myself, discover self-compassion and develop a newfound curiosity for life and the human experience. Basia has been a gentle and compassionate guide throughout what at times has been an uncomfortable exploration and whilst she has not been afraid to challenge me during our sessions, I have always felt safe and supported in her hands. It’s difficult to put into words the gift that Basia has for this work. I felt a strong connection with her from the beginning and am in awe of the calming and reassuring presence she offers when holding space, while not being afraid to share her own vulnerabilities. I couldn’t have asked for a better coach, friend and sister to hold my hand as I embarked on this journey.”

Alexa. Author & Freelance Journalist. 


Basia Zieniewicz

[email protected]